Saturday, May 14, 2011

Three Months Ago They Became Ours

Things Lily likes:

going anywhere in the car
baby dolls
ebbybody in car together

Things Lily doesn’t like:
getting left at home when daddy goes to a meeting
drinking her protein shake every morning
being told no
being told she is wrong

Things she has said they DO NOT have at the orphanage:
sea lions
getting tucked into bed
getting loved on when she fell twice and her nose bled
pretty pants and dresses (she said she had one pretty top)
playtime outside

One day we were at the dentist. She spotted coasters on the table. She asks, "Wha leesa?" After repeating that five times I realized she was asking What is that? So I pick up the coasters and begin to explain and demonstrate how they are used for glasses. She says, "Ooooooo Mooooommmmy!" I said, "Lily, you like them?" She said, "Ohhhhhh Mommy! I LOVE them!" Made me laugh so hard.

She still picks up everything in the house and asks whose it is. Tonight I told her something was Roberts and she said, "Roberts ebbybody?" I said, "No. Just Roberts!" She wants everything to be hers or everybody's. She doesn't really care about each thing she asks about, it's just like she's trying to own something! Precious. Because she never had anything to her name before. They gave her to us with the clothes on her back, a zip lock with a hair clip and a couple photos in it and that was it!

We played baseball as a family tonight with family and friends. She runs with joy and freedom and laughter. When I watched her play tonight, so free and happy, I told myself that if I never do anything else in life but raise my 5 children to be happy, healthy adults then my life would be well lived. To wonder what her life could have been and to see it now. It's like whatever path her life was headed on, God intervened and grabbed her! And I'm so grateful he used me and Husband. I feel humbled.

She went to her class tonight at church for the first time. She has been going with me and Husband and Hope in the "big" service. But she was ready to go to her class. She is also excited about going to school too (which she will in August). We put her in the four and five year old class tonight and she did great. She wasn't apprehensive about us leaving. That made me feel good. She is secure enough to know we are coming back for her. I just think this little girl was SO READY to give someone a chance in her life. She was so ready to be loved by anyone! My friend Michele was working nursery so she watched and played with her and gave me a great report! So proud of Lily girl! She is one brave little girl.

I love my Chinese girls. I'm so grateful to God for His GRACE that covers this family. The way Phoebe, Rob, and Johnny have responded to these two girls is beautiful. It's like we never missed a beat. Really. And I do think I have the best daddy in the world for my husband! God knew where to put Lily and Hope to be loved on by the best daddy in the world. And Lily knows it too!

It's been exactly three months since they became officially ours. THREE MONTHS. Seems like they've been here always. We love them so much. So so much. We just want to scream from the rooftops to everyone, "DON'T BE AFRAID! GO GET A BABY FOR YOURSELF!" We know so many people have considered adoption. It's so amazing, words cannot do it justice. There are plenty of babies and kids whose life can be changed in 3 months just like Lily and Hope's! Go for it!

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