If I told you how great things were going you'd either not believe me or think that I brag too much. I can feel God's grace on this family and how we are adjusting to Hope and Lily. Lily is doing so great. You'd think she has been part of the family forever. And you'd never know that she doesn't speak English very well because she communicates so good. We go back at the end of the month for Hope's cleft palate surgery. It's so amazing because her gums and teeth are almost already touching each other and have straightened out. Her right gum was completely tilted before her cleft lip surgery. During the surgery he joined the gum muscles (whatever that means) and almost immediately the whole gums and teeth started moving into place! She doesn't grind her teeth anymore. She still has a hugh canyon in the roof of her mouth and the gums need to be connected. The photo below shows what her mouth looks like on the inside. She had the complete cleft lip and palate. So you will see that although she looks great on the outside, their is still major work to be done inside her mouth.
Hope's pretty face. The scar is starting to draw up a little and thicken. We are starting to massage it now to help flatten it out.

Lily brought a bag of objects to Rob's baseball game. Cousin Neilson was recruited to play this game with her that she made up using the objects she brought. She is creative!

On the last trip to Dallas I saw my friend Gina and baby Myla (aka Pei Yao, or YaYa as I call her). YaYa and HoHo lived at the same orphanage but YaYa was blessed to have a foster grandma! She got extra loving!!! When Daniel saw YaYa at the welcome home party at the airport a month before we went to China he said YaYa is the cutest baby he's ever seen and later looked at me and asked if our baby was that cute!!!! She is a doll!
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