Here she is!!! Dang Ning Li, also known as Lily Love Hook! We received our Referral Acceptance for her today from China saying they have approved us to adopt her and they are working on our travel approvals to come get her!
TO COME GET HER AND NEVER TAKE HER BACK!!! TO LEAVE THE ORPHANAGE AFTER NINE YEARS!!!! To come into the arms of a mommy and daddy and two brothers and a big fun sister and even a tiny little Chinese sister!
By now they have probably walked down those long halls where I met Lily and bent down to her and said, Lily you have a family! You are being adopted!
Can you imagine? Will she even be able to comprehend what is ahead of her? Does she even know what she's missing? We don't know! We don't know many things. But one thing we do know! SHE IS OURS!!!!! And we are so thankful to God for her. We love her as if she has been with us from the start. We are forever connected.
We are so thankful to God for entrusting us with His precious little daughter Lily. We feel honored to be her parents. I think about her and think to myself, how did we get so blessed to get her?!
Lily, we are coming for you!!!
Loved seeing this post! What a blessing!
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