Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gotcha Day Video

We've never showed this on our blog before because we have been so busy and we forgot!  Seriously.  Here is our gotcha day video from one year ago!  
We had just flown from Beijing to Lanzhou and it was around 9 or 10 at night when we finally reached the hotel.  They were in the lobby waiting for us!


Heather said...

What a blessing to have been able to capture this on video! I'm sure it brings back many memories - in scanning through your blog, it is amazing to see how much change has taken place in the past year. Thank you for sharing this!

Rachel said...

Hello, my name is Rachel... my husband and I are just embarking on the journey to adopt. The Lord just dropped this desire in us about a month ago and we are trying to research and get all the info we possibly can! I am extremely overwhelmed and wanted to see if you could guide me to the right people/places to get the best info on the process. I live in OK as well, and I really feel like the Lord guided my steps to get me to your blog. My email is (we are youth pastors) If you could email me when you get a chance and just send me in the right direction I would sooooo appreciate it! God bless!