Tuesday, June 28, 2011

salsa, swimming, mice, and cakes

When we were at the Walgreen's pharmacy drive thru tonight Lily yelled, "Chicken! Chicken! Mommy, Lily wants chicken!"

Hope does pat a cake now! She loves to do it most with daddy! She toddles into his office and walks up to his chair and starts rolling the dough and making a sound that sounds like "rollllllll it up" and he just melts!

Lily says she likes Mickey Mouse but does not like Chunk E. Cheese! (she calls him chunk)

Hope will still not eat anything! She just picks up puffs and throws them off her high chair tray! : ( But she sure is cute doing it!

Lily now likes milk and cookies. And she eats queso but will not touch sliced cheese!

Hope is back to sucking her thumb (her best friend for 14 months of her life) but I'm trying to get her on a pacifier so she doesn't mess with her fistula in her mouth.

Lily should be going to Cincinnati Children's Hospital in a few months for her first surgery. She will be there for about 2 weeks.

Hope says mama about once a week though Husband has never been present. I do have witnesses though. She can say na na too but that's about it.

Lily is now sleeping in Phoebe's room because we are really trying to get Lily to like Phoebe more. It was way too much fun sleeping with the boys.

Hope likes to open cabinets and drag out stuff and it makes me so happy!

Lily likes to east salsa and hot sauce with a spoon and squirt ketchup packets directly into her mouth.

Lily and Hope are getting a super dark tan AND we use lots of sunscreen! Ignorantly, we did not know this was possible. They both love the water and are not afraid of it at all!


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