Here is the blog of a friend who adopted a little boy that I held in June in the orphanage! And now look at him now in a happy family!!

This is my cousin! I love her and her ever growing family!!!! Her blog is Zimel Zoo!
Here are some great friends of ours from our church! They are expecting a referral for their second and third soon!

Here is Suzanne and her family! I met her on the June trip. She and her husband have twins and are in China RIGHT NOW getting Jonathan!

This is the blog of Robert and Karen! I met them in June too! They are in China RIGHT NOW too and this is their FIRST BABY so they are brand new parents as of TODAY!!!!!!! And here is Robin!

Here's Gina and her family! We've gotten so close since our trip in June! Her baby's name is now Myla but I will forever call her her Chinese nickname YaYa!!! They got their baby (which makes four for them) TODAY!!!!!!!
I just met this girl thru Kerri Kaste. It's her relative....and when I went to her blog I see she used the same adoption agency and had the same tour guide we had in June! And already I'm enthralled in her blog and her beautiful family! She just went to China in December to get her little China doll! Here is a photo of them, minus their four other children not pictured!

One of my favorites to read. Ni Hao Y'all

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